5 Ways to Unblock Your Potential

‘5 Ways to Unblock Your Potential So You Can enter 2024 In Alignment’:

1. Forgive yourself for not being the 'perfect' version of yourself you think you should be at all times. It's too much pressure. Forgive yourself for being so hard on yourself. Set the intention to move forward with focused intensity, but also (and especially), grounded compassion.

2. Audit your day to day. In what ways are you wasting or denying your precious energy? What's one aspect of your day that you could edit to bring in a positive habit that would bring you closer to your desires? It could be as simple as reading for 10 minutes in bed before you start your day.

source: spacewil on flickr

3. Use your body as a vessel for change. When your health is closer to peak performance - your brain is working faster, your mood is better, your confidence is higher, and you simply have more energy to really embody your full potential. Eat whole foods. Hydrate. Move.

4. Build a system of support around you. Join a community to enhance your hobbies or passions. Find a therapist, mentor, or coach to hold you accountable. Open up to people about how you're feeling. Emotions are energy in motion.. we need other people and practices to help us move that energy and feel safe doing so.

5. Revisit your intentions daily so you stay on the path. When we don't know where we're going.. very simply.. we get lost. Keep that clarity in check. Journal about it, make a vision board with *action items* on it, talk to yourself.. coach yourself to remain optimistic.

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