Feel It To Heal It

The mind cannot remedy what the mind itself has created.. similar to the notion that we cannot heal in the same environment that traumatized us. Something about our environment must evolve and change to allow for growth to occur. From my experience, it is essential to incorporate the wisdom of body, in order for integration and healing to take place in the mind (thought patterning).

When we attempt to intellectualize our way out of a mental block, we'll often find that it's like a snake eating its tail. We might find temporary relief in the logical exploration, but then find ourselves in the same pattern all over again shortly thereafter.  

The deepest medicine.. the deepest truth.. I've felt into recently is that emotions are simply temporary sensations, and we only experience suffering when we attach stories to those sensations. 

In order to allow for healing, we are asked to witness those sensations (emotions) without attaching stories to them. We are asked to feel it to heal it.. literally by activating a physical, somatic experience. ‘The body keeps the score.' 

The body holds the key to purging and unlocking emotional patterning. 

Yesterday, I received a profound body work session from a dear friend in which he induced a tremor response in my body.. my whole body was shaking.. and this shaking elicited a much needed emotional release. It's a technique called TRE (Trauma Releasing Exercises) that releases patterns of stress on a cellular and quantum level. 

We can find similar somatic releases through dance (!), breathwork, yoga (I prefer Yin for this), and even tantra. Feel it to heal it. This is not about thinking.. this is about feeling and allowing. 

So, as you explore your emotional world this week, consider how you can aid in the movement of feelings by channeling them through and out of the body. 

I love you. 

Further 1:1 Support:

Single Sessions To Deepen Your Healing

Private Mentorship For Four Months


Attachment Styles 101


Clearing The Slate (New Beginnings)